Need help?
We hope the information provided on this page is useful in signposting you to the help you need. If you are unsure, please contact us.
Person in hospital
There are lay chaplains regularly visiting hospitals, and parish volunteers who can bring Holy Communion. There is also a 24/7 Christian on-call available for emergencies; local Catholic clergy respond upon request.
University Hospitals of Leicester
Referrals may be relayed by phone to the chaplains’ office on each site:
Glenfield Hospital: 0116 258 3413
Leicester General Hospital: 0116 258 4243
Leicester Royal Infirmary: 0116 258 5487
Referrals for any site can be emailed to:
See for more information.
Community Hospitals & Mental Health Services
Jane Richards, Chaplaincy Secretary: 0116 229 4055/ 07771 772565/
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Hospice – LOROS
Revd Andrew Martin: 0116 231 8411/
There is a parish visiting group, which covers both sites; and lay ministers can bring Holy Communion. These cover both Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary communities. Fr John Lally, Parish Priest and the Deacons will visit where possible.
Please make initial contact via the parish office.
Person seriously ill or dying
Please contact the parish office.
Please visit the about page, Sacraments tab for information about Baptism, First Holy Communion; Confirmation; Weddings; Sacrament of the Sick;
Office Angels
‘Office Angels’ are available before and after weekend masses to provide forms and information, including requests for blessings.
Please contact the parish office
School Admissions
Please visit the about page, School tab.
Safeguarding or Data Protection
For more information, please visit the about page, safeguarding tab.