Autumn Schedule for Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary Catholic Mission Community
Planted in love and built on love (St Paul)
It has been a wonderful summer at Sacred Heart thanks to the help of so many people in our parish community- especially our stewards who have worked hard to ensure we have been able to gather together safely and to Gilroy and others who bring our Sunday Mass into homes.
Our Sunday Pop-up-Church on the playground (with thanks to Sacred Heart School) livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube has meant that we could worship together with a physical and virtual congregation!
During the Summer months we were able to begin to celebrate the Sacraments again- 14 children have been baptised, 3 couples have celebrated their marriages and our First Holy Communion children have been celebrating receiving the Eucharist at the Parish masses.
Building work on our buildings has continued with outside painting, improvements to the toilets in the Guild Hall and the roof repaired on the oldest part of the clubroom. A new lighting system for the Hall is being prepared and our new fixed camera to continue livestreaming has been ordered.
We must not forget the hidden ministry that has carried on during the lockdown with phone calls being made to our more elderly and vulnerable parishioners, DVD’s of our Sunday Mass sent out and our online presence through our Facebook and Instagram pages.
So much to be thankful for and many blessings being poured out on our Parish.
As Autumn weather turns colder we will have the following Schedule for celebrating Mass beginning this weekend 10th/11th October:
At Sacred Heart in church Saturday Vigil Mass 6pm and Sunday Mass 11 am (livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram). If you would like to attend Mass at the weekend you must book in with the Office on or ring Ann our Parish Administrator on 07415003053. We are able to use the Church, Scout Hut and Hall for these Masses with enhanced vision on the overflow screens once the new camera is installed.
St Margaret’s Community Saturday Vigil Mass is celebrated at 3pm at St Paul’s Polish Church, Wakerley Road. To book a place please email or ring Ted and Jan on 0116 2413768
Weekday Masses at Sacred Heart Tuesday 10.30 am, Thursday 10.30 am and Friday at 6.30pm. No booking is needed for these Masses but Stewards will need to ensure that we have your contact details for track and trace.
The Parish Office will be closed on Mondays to ensure that Fr John is able to have a rest day, however if there is an emergency then please call Ann on her work mobile 07415003053.
For more news and information see our weekly newsletter, which can be downloaded from our website or can be found on our Facebook page @sacredheartparishleicester as well as being available to collect from both churches.