Parish Groups

12/74th Leicester Scouts and Guides

We are a youth organisation catering for children aged from 5 to 18 year olds, teaching them ‘Skills for Life’, in a fun way. Activities include camping, cooking, climbing, teamwork, helping the community and many more.

We meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Scout and Guide Centre, next to the church.

We have been providing youth activities since 1934 and all leaders are qualified first aiders, have undergone safeguarding training and have been DBS checked.

If you would like your son or daughter to join in, please contact:

Tony Kendall
Group Scout Leader
12/74th Leicester Scouts and Guides
t: 0772 158 6854

Our Liturgy group meets together about four times a year.  We discuss and organise services for the future e.g. Lent and Easter, Advent and Christmas, Penitential services, Memorial service, Feast days and other special occasions.

The dates of our meetings are in the newsletter. Anyone who is interested in having some input to our services is very welcome to join us.

The Golden Hearts (sometimes known as the ‘The Thursday Group’) was first formed in 1995. A few retired parishioners began meeting in the sacristy after the Thursday morning Mass and Fr. John suggested they use the clubroom as it provided easier access for anyone with mobility problems.

There has been a regular get together since then and Mass is now celebrated in the club every Thursday at 10.00am. After Mass we enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, biscuits and good social interaction and of course we always have a raffle! We also enjoy occasional outings and a ‘Christmas Dinner’. There is a lovely friendly atmosphere and although it was formed for retirees and elderly there are no age limitations and we welcome all.

If you would like more information or you have difficulty with transport please contact Ann in Sacred Heart office on 0116 2624645

The Finance Committee’s role is to assist the Parish Priest in ensuring that the parish funds are well managed. The Committee meets approximately four times a year to check on the financial situation of the parish and to ensure there are sufficient funds available to meet the current outgoings and financial responsibilities of the parish.

The parish accounts are presented to members during Committee meetings, which are made up of several parishioners, the two Deacons and the Parish Priest.

The Committee oversee and monitor the preparation of the annual budgets with the parish priest and discuss any plans that may require extraordinary expenditure.  All major expenditure has to be approved by the Nottingham Diocese.  The annual accounts are presented to the Parish each year. This group working closely with the Health & Safety group monitor our church and hall property and look at the maintenance needs, as well as ensuring that we can gather together safely following Health & Safety guidelines.

Children Liturgy Group was inspired when Bishop Patrick requested the parishes to focus on “Encounter, Discipleship and Missionary Discipleship”.

Children Liturgy is an important ministry to help our children focus on “The word of God” from a young age. During our 11.15 am mass on Sundays, we hold a children liturgy session in the Scout Hall. It is accordingly planned and shared between our dedicated children liturgy volunteers. We try to keep these sessions very children orientated, focusing on the day’s gospel. We start off with a small prayer or an action song. We read the gospel of the day or encourage the children to read with us. Thereafter. we have a meaningful conversation with the children regarding the gospel. Sometimes we may also focus on a particular topic, for example; prayer, helping others, kindness etc.

It is important for us to provide children with the correct knowledge. In these sessions we always have some fun, laughter and usually finish off with a game.

Our vision is to help these children have a sense of belonging with the church and eventually be a missionary disciple of Christ.

Jesus Youth Group is an international Catholic movement approved by the Holy See. The movement evolved as an outcome of the Charismatic revival.  It had its beginnings in Kerala in India but is now active in over 34 different countries around the world.

Jesus Youth is an initiative of young people themselves, who, filled with the Holy Spirit try to reach out to other young people.  Family or youth, our primary focus is to reach out to the young. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centered on the Lord Jesus Christ; beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments, fellowship, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others, and option for the poor also known as six pillars.

Jesus Youth is a network of small but vibrant group of young people and families. In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, responding to the challenges of today’s world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our mission/vision is to be a missionary movement at the service of the church.

We usually meet weekly at the home of one of the group. There is no set format. We read the names of those on the prayer list from the newsletter and then have spontaneous prayers, discussion, comments, chat and light refreshments.

The group is friendly, supportive, and confidential and works best if there are no more than 4 or 5 people.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Mary on 0116 73 4816 or on mobile 07981 151833.

At Sacred Heart Church we adhere to our mission statement which is ‘We believe that God’s Spirit is at work within us,’ through this strong belief the church encourages people to come and serve for the Holy Masses held at Sacred Heart, as together as one we will be able to give all the help and support we can offer to the church.

Through the Holy Spirit guiding us daily, we ensure servers are confident when taking part in serving The Holy Mass, by attending to supporting tasks at the Altar such as ringing the bell, presenting offertory at the Altar, being a crucifer and many more. Altar serving leads to many new experiences, as at Sacred Heart there are many Altar Servers who serve mass daily, through this, servers can be connected with one another by having friends who all share the same faith, coming together as one in Christ.

By becoming a lay assistant to the clergy, as a server you begin to learn and understand the purpose of Mass and by focusing and understanding on what is going on during Mass, enabling you to build a greater relationship with God whilst being inspired to become more like him.

Back in 2016 it became apparent that Fr. John was seeing lots of people before and after mass for a variety of reasons, some of which could be handled any other. So the idea arose that volunteers be available to provide admin support before and after each weekend mass. This has been hugely successful and is vital in that it ensures information is collected efficiently and the priest in attendance is able to devote more time to those who wish or need to speak to him or simply to be able to greet people without a queue forming! Or trying to remember who handed him a £5 note and why.   Angels are asked to be in attendance 15 minutes before and after mass (in the front parish office at Sacred Heart and in the lobby at St. Margaret’s (St. Pauls).

Office Angels are the face of the parish and should always be warm, welcoming, polite and efficient. Being an office angel is a rewarding role and is a great opportunity to meet people in the parish. It’s been one of the most successful initiatives in the parish and has really made a difference.

Duties include:

  1. Welcoming and taking details of new parishioners
  2. Taking Mass intentions and offerings
  3. Provide Mass cards for the deceased
  4. Accepting request forms for:
  • Job References
  • Interviews
  • Hall bookings
  • Applications for appointments in relation to the sacraments: Baptism, First Communion & Confirmation
  • Accepting bookings and providing tickets for such events as the trip to Walsingham
  • Change of personal details (address, etc)
  1. Providing general information

Full training will be provided for new Angels. If you are interested please contact the parish office.

A group works together in our parish to co-ordinate parish activities and to plan and develop the future mission of the parish. We already share our parish priest with Our Lady’s parish and the plan for the Deanery is that Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary parish, Our Lady’s parish and St Joseph’s parish will become a cluster of parishes sharing clergy amongst them. The SMS group are working to make sure that this will be a smooth transition and will be an opportunity for sharing our Catholic life and evangelisation.

This group working closely with the Finance Committee monitor our church and hall property and look at the maintenance needs, as well as ensuring that we can gather together safely following Health & Safety guidelines.

During the winter months we host a weekly night shelter organised by the Charity- One Roof. Guests come and spend the night in our Parish Hall, share a meal together, chat and play games and then have breakfast in the morning. Volunteers with the One Roof staff work together to make our guests feel welcome and signpost help to those that need it. This year our guests stayed over on Christmas Eve and loved hearing the singing of the Christmas Carols from Midnight Mass.

Weekly collections of dry food, toiletries, tins etc. are gathered together to support recently arrived people into Leicester often as asylum seekers and refugees through the Women’s welcome Project.

We have good relationships with the City of Sanctuary- who meet weekly at Holy Cross Priory and are able to be of practical assistance to asylum seekers and refugees.