Great news!
The Church family began to gather again this week. Public Masses were once more celebrated, with a number of people sharing their emotion at being able to celebrate Mass in our beautiful Church and receive Holy Communion again.
A reminder that we will for the next few weeks celebrate Mass on:
Tuesday at 10.30 am
Wednesday 6.30pm
Thursday 10.30 am
Friday at 6.30pm
Please email us if you would like to attend and indicate the day.
Our ‘Pop-up-Church’ will gather on the School Playground for Sunday Mass at 11 am and will also be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube as usual so that all the Parish family can come together. Buttons at the top of this page.
Again, if you would like to attend you must email the parish. Face masks should be worn and there will be no parking available only for elderly or disabled.
Thank you to all who have swapped their parish giving to Standing Order. This has helped the financial commitments of our parish. Forms to set up standing orders and gift aid can be found on the website.
Last Sunday we launched our SHlive! Fundraising to continue to broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. It will be a great opportunity for evangelisation and a service for the whole parish community. We have made a commitment to those who can’t come to church to continue to connect with them and families will be able to share family events such as baptisms, funerals and weddings with family relations across the world. Fr John saw the importance of this when earlier in the year he was able to connect with his sister’s funeral in Australia.
Bishop Patrick has written to us to say how impressed he has been with the quality of our livestream and how young people especially have been using their talents at the service of the Church!
If you would like to give a donation visit and click on the icon at the top ‘Online giving’ scroll down for Parish giving and type in Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary Leicester and click to donate.
It has been a great response so far towards our target of £8,000! and you can also put money in an envelope and give it in marked ‘SHlive!’
Jesus in the Gospel this Sunday walks on the stormy waters and tells the apostles ‘Courage, do not be afraid’ and then invites Peter to ‘Come’. This is a new chapter for our world and for our parish community – we must have the courage to follow where he leads us, even if it will be take courage…these are exciting times for our Parish!
Follow us on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, the buttons at the top of this page.
With every blessing,
Fr. John Lally